In "Harith's Space!" I share some personal feelings, memories, thoughts and observations. Help me to make this space positive by allowing me to learn from your feedback.
سعدت لتعليقات الزوار وطلبهم بنشر بعضا من الصور... وقد التقطت أكثر من أربعمائة صورة ولا أعلم لماذا لم أتنبه لضرورة نشرها كي تكتمل الصورة. إليكم بعضا من الهند في صور:
doesnt it seem to u that the cobra u took a pic with is like use to takin random photos with looks calm and happy..i find it very funny..could it be that they trained the cobra to take photos with tourists and look directly into the camera lens..weird
May 21, 2007 11:20 PM
indeed a picture worth a thousand word...
May 27, 2007 7:46 PM
doesnt it seem to u that the cobra u took a pic with is like use to takin random photos with looks calm and happy..i find it very funny..could it be that they trained the cobra to take photos with tourists and look directly into the camera lens..weird
May 31, 2007 5:47 AM
was it a long time since I saw you or are you getting bold?
June 01, 2007 1:39 PM
both my friend :D
June 03, 2011 11:47 AM
آخر جميلة حادة. ويعتقد أبدا أنه كان هذا سهلا. Extolment لك!