Harith's Space!

In "Harith's Space!" I share some personal feelings, memories, thoughts and observations. Help me to make this space positive by allowing me to learn from your feedback.

Yesterday I sent out the following goodbye email to my colleagues:

Dear CNETers,
As many of you probably know, tomorrow is my last day at CNET. I know that this may seem sudden, and I apologize if I have let anybody down. However, to pursue some dreams and goals, I must say goodbye.

Two years ago when I first started, a member of the IT staff resigned. In his last day I remember that he stopped by everyone's desk to say goodbye. He was not able to speak and his eyes were moist with tears. Just today (after two years) I found an explanation for that. CNETers, is it very hard to say good bye to you. I have enjoyed every moment I spent in this place. I enjoyed the late nights, the weird puzzling P1 bugs and the joy of seeing a product going live. Thanks all for making CNET a wonderful work place.

There’s a funny wisdom that says Experience is like your toothbrush, never share it with anybody! Thanks CNETers for sharing with me your exceptional experience and for your tremendous guidance. Thanks CNET for exposing me to interesting web challenges.

Please keep in touch. I can be reached at my personal email address: (xyz@gmail.com) or on my cell: (123-123-1234).

Thanks for everything,


  1. Anonymous  

    Can I really reach you at 123-123-1234? Cool number! How can I get a number like that?

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